[ToC] [Intro] ... [Book Plug] The Information Commons
.................... Introduction to HTML

Comments, corrections, suggestions with respect to
the HTML Documentation? Please send me e-mail, at
If you are commenting on a particular document, please quote the
document URL so I know which document
you are talking about -- there are many pages, and copies
of the pages all around the world.

I look forward to hearing from you!

About Ian Graham

(.... I also have an Official biographical page, and an online Resumé)

This HTML documentation package was written by me, Ian Graham. Initially drafted as a learning exercise while I was learning to use HTML and the Web, the documents have gone on to become an important utility for users from around the world who are learning HTML. As it became more of a teaching resource, I tried to rework the material and make it clearer and easier to read. I hope you find it useful, and look forward to your comments and feedback.

After preparing this online material, I was approached by an editor to write a book on HTML. The result was The HTML Sourcebook, which has become one of the most popular books in the world on HTML and web authoring -- far beyond my wildest expectations! I want to thank all of you who bought the book, particulary those who wrote with commentary on these online documents -- all your suggestions and ideas have been integrated into both the online material, and the book.

By training I am a physicist, with a PhD and approximately 20 publications in computational statistical mechanics, condensed matter theory, and chemical physics. At present I work at the Information Commons at the University of Toronto, where I: teach courses on the Web and other Information Technology issues; help develop computer-based instructional materials; and research Web technologies and electronic information discovery. My other interests are in distributed and parallel computing, multimedia design and virtual reality -- not to forget scientific computing and simulation.

Web Interests and Software

I have a number of Web resources accessible over the web: these are all summarized in a summary document. A particular example is a package for distributing seminar notices. You can have a look at it at http://www.hprc.utoronto.ca/cgi-reg/notices_main.pl. If you are interested, ther software is freely available from http://www.utoronto.ca/ian/software/webnotice/download.html -- but -- send me email if you use it, so I can send you patches and upgrades as they occur.


Many, of course. I am a fan of Babylon 5, much to my wife's dismay ("Those goofs talk into their wrists....."), and like skating and cross-country skiing. I also have a weakness for Mr. Bean.

Contact Information

Dr. Ian S. Graham
Information Commons
University of Toronto
4 Bancroft Ave, Room 213
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1 CANADA

E-mail: ian.graham@utoronto.ca
Tel: 416-978-4548
Fax: 416-978-6110

[ToC] [Intro] ... [Book Plug] .................... Introduction to HTML

© Ian Graham 1994-1995 Page Last Updated: 4 December 1995